Skin Food: Immune-Boosting Smoothie

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At the moment, we all need to be making sure our immune systems are as strong as possible. One easy way we love to get all our immune support in each day is through a delicious smoothie! When it’s cold you might not want to start your day with a smoothie for breakfast, but we find that incorporating one in later in the day as a snack is a delicious way to get in all your skin and immune-supporting goodness.

In A Blender, Chuck:

  • 1/2-1 cup of frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries) - organic if possible. Oob organic berries are good value for money

  • 1 orange (unless your skin is super sensitive to orange/citrus and will increase inflammation) - again organic is ideal. Swap for frozen mango if you can’t tolerate oranges.

  • handful organic greens (spinach, kale)

  • small knob of ginger

  • pinch of cinnamon

  • 1 tsp Bestow Beauty Gut Love+ powder

  • 1 tbsp Bestow Beauty Plus Oil

  • Top with water

It is that simple! This is more like a slushy/frozen juice than a smoothie, but gives you a massive dose of vitamin C from both the berries and the orange, and if you’re adding frozen mango that’s a big dose of skin-loving vitamin A. The Gut Love+ powder not only supplies your gut with healthy pre- and probiotics, but it also includes your daily recommended dose of vitamin D, which is essential for a strong immune system, and one vitamin many of us lack as it is mainly cultivated through exposing our skin to the sun. The small addition of cinnamon is to keep your digestive fire happy and strong, as smoothies are cold they can increase cold within our bodies, which we especially don’t want during winter. Cinnamon is a warming spice so, you probably won’t taste it in the smoothie but it will keep your insides warm and stop your digestive fire (Agni as they call it in Ayurveda) from dampening. Ginger is anti-inflammatory and a go-to for keeping bugs at bay!

Romy Grbic